Where did January go?

I can't believe it's Feb 1st already. Where did the last month go?!  I think that as I get older, time gets quicker - it's some weird physics space-time contiuum thing. (I just googled space-time contiuum and it's not that, I have no idea what that is).  It probably helped I kept myself very busy - my January weeks have consisted of:

Monday - some form of exercise or Spanish homework
Tuesday - Spanish lessons
Wednesday - Spanish homework then swimming training
Thursday - Spanish lessons
Friday - some form of social event or Spanish homework or collapsing on the sofa
Weekends - exercise or social events

My forms of exercise have included a couple of 2.5k swims in Crystal Palace pool, lots of walking and running (the bus strike the other week led me to walk 8 miles in one day, which showed me it wasn't that hard to do, so I have been walking to and from Holborn for my Spanish lessons. I tried to run it once too but that was much harder and my legs hurt and I gave up and got a bus), and a 6 mile bike ride to Battersea Park last weekend. (it's meant to be 5 miles but I kept getting lost - how do people know where they're going on bikes! is there a bike sat nav?).  It was my first big long road bike ride and I only got tooted at once, woohoo! I did jump out of my skin though, and then swear at the taxi driver who tooted.

I met Bex at Battersea Park so we could go to their mini zoo thing.  It isn't great, and is very much geared for children, but we did have fun.  We spent a long portion of the time trying to get selfies with different animals, this proved quite difficult.

Emu selfie

Mouse selfie (it is in the food bowl)

this pig made great noises

pensive meercat

I also tried my first hot yoga class, which Sepha roped me in to doing.  I did yoga once before in my gym, and found it really hard and didn't enjoy it that much.  I was very nervous for my first class at Hot Power Yoga and turned up super early as I had to register and stuff.  We had opted for a 90 minute session (!!!!) as PAYG is £16 so you get more for your buck.  The staff were really friendly, showed me round and told me what to expect.  Sepha let me borrow her spare yoga mat and we grabbed a spot in the middle of the class so it would be easier to see everyone to copy what was going on.  She'd assured me that when I got tired or it got too much I was allowed to rest in 'child's position' which sounded good to me.  I was particularly terrified of my dodgy hips giving way and me getting stuck in some weird position and having to have an ambulance come and extract me.  Or maybe even the firemen like when people get stuck in swings and stuff and have to be cut out.

That'll be me next month! (image source - commons.wikimedia.org)

As it turned out, it was amazing. I really enjoyed it.  My one and only yoga class prior had prepared me well, and I knew the basics like downward dog (that still makes me snigger).  I had taken my watch in with me so I could keep track of the time, however I didn't look at it once as I was so engrossed in the yoga.  Because of the heat of the room (it seems really hot when you enter but you soon get used to it - they keep their studios around 30deg rather than the 40deg of a typical Bikram studio) my muscles seemed a lot more flexible than usual and I found it much easier to get into positions and hold them.

I was a little uncomfortable with the 3 'ommmmmmms' at the beginning, however Sepha had said that by the end I would be 'ommmmmm'ing with gusto as I got into it - and she was right.  I think my favourite part of the session was the end where the instructor dimmed the lights and we lay back and relaxed - if only every exercise class ended with a relaxation session at the end!

I felt very long and bendy after the session and my hips felt really good - so I have signed up to their £40 for 30 days offer which I'll start when I have finished my Spanish lessons.

The end of January also marks the end of my self imposed dry January spell.  I *may* have broken it a day early (though some months are 30 days long so it sort of counts right?), tempted to the pub by Becky after a long week at work - the unplanned nights are the fun ones and we made friends with some random people in the pub and ended the night with spinny room and morning hangover.  I hate spinny room. I think I would rather vomit than have spinny room.  I was quite proud of myself though - January saw 3 dates, 5 pub nights and one night out without a drop of alcohol passing my lips.  Twice I really wanted a drink - one night after a long day of work and there was a cold Rekordelig in the fridge, and the other time was on a date when I messed up timings and we missed the cinema showing then had to rush to Brixton to catch another showing, but missed that one too because the bus was on diversion.  When I was a teenager I never craved alcohol, I only really drank to get drunk, but now I see it as a relaxant.  This worries me slightly, and after my spinny room hungover session on Saturday (I only had 2 G&Ts and a pint of cider) I am considering restricting my alcohol intake.  I don't think I have a problem per se, but I enjoy it a lot more than I used to, and that could be a slippery road to go down!

My aims for February are to complete as many yoga classes as possible in my 30 day session, chill out a bit more (I want some more sofa nights!), and sort out all the stuff for my impending USA trip.  1 month down, 11 to go! It's that space-time contiuum thing again.


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