
Showing posts from August, 2018

What's new? Lots, actually

Oh hai there!  Did you like my little clickbait-esque previous post? Yes, 2 comments were enough for me to write another blog - aren't you lucky! Also, Aric is in Samoa this week so I have some free time on my hands.  Though actually that's a bit of a lie as I have deliberately been keeping myself busy this week so that I don't go insane by myself- and actually I would much rather be snoozing in bed right now, but gotta keep the readers happy (all 2 of you). A little life update. A lot has happened since I last posted. 1) I quit my job 2) I got a new job 3) I turned 31 4) I went to Sydney 5) I started my new job. Not sure what to focus on most but lets just ramble and see where we get to.... So I got my residency for New Zealand when I was in America - I burst into tears at the sheer relief of it all.  I went back to my job and was about to quit when strangely it got better - people were interacting with me more, saying please and thank you, and I got involved

Does anyone still read this?

Comment below and maybe I'll write one this week hahahahaha