You spin me right round, baby

This blog post is very delayed due to being chronically tired from a crazy Saturday.  More on that later.

The week was spent doing spinning classes after work (nearly wrote school then, weird).  I really enjoyed my first one, but the rest have been a bit of a drag.  If you don't know what spinning is, then it's basically cycling really hard and fast with a load of other people in a dark room with disco lights and pumping music. The fact it's dark is great because you sweat loads and no one can see you making stupid faces (my workout face usually consists of me looking like I am in chronic pain and sticking my tongue out like a water deprived panting dog on a hot summer's day). 

Tuesday and Wednesday were filled with tube strikes.  Call me controversial but I was all for the strikes - I don't think ticket stations should be closed down (I for one have to use them and prefer speaking to someone human than using a machine - unless there's a big queue of course) and sometimes drastic action is needed to make your point.  Plus I wasn't affected at all.  I sent my boss on the Clipper to get to Canary Wharf and he loved it. Boris made it free for the two days apparently, thanks Boris.

I got snapchat last weekend and it is SO MUCH FUN.  I guess it's only fun when you have funny people sending you stuff.  I was worried I would get lots of rude pictures but instead I get ridiculous things including a great video of Bex dancing.   Such a shame you can't keep the vids.

Saturday I went to the Galleria in Hatfield to help promote my friend's wedding band.  It was fun because I mainly got to catch up and gossip with Jen.  As well as watch Samer perform.  There were loads of kids who seemed entranced by the music which was adorable, including this little girl who was dancing to the beat of her own drum and kept spinning in circles with her eyes closed to Joss Stone and Bruno Mars. Bless her.  It was a successful day with a bunch of girls staying to watch the entire thing and uploading vids to facebook so we got free publicity, and quite a few people showed interest so we're hoping for some gigs from it.  If anyone wants an acoustic band for a function, just let me know ;-)

I then headed to Amy and Rob's for Rob's very last minute birthday celebrations organised by Max (I think Rob was too lazy to do anything himself).  I turned up at Amy's and was greeted with a huge 120" screen and 7 boys playing shooting games on the Xbox.  Poor Amy. I don't know how it happened but suddenly the living room was full of weapons (numchucks, 3 swords, a shield and two poles) and human jousting happened. Only at the McHoneysetts....

I don't look as cool with a sword as I felt....

human jousting...

We then headed off to the Bussey Building which I was so happy about - can't believe I have lived nearby for 4 years and only been once.  We stayed in the 'bumpin and hustlin' room until 2.30am when we realised some of the group had gone missing.  It's pretty standard for John to end up in random places - I am not sure what happens to him, it's quite impressive really.

I didn't get much sleep and was cream crackered for Sunday.  Went to Vauxhall City Farm which is pants and I don't recommend it, however they did have the following:

A really fat bunny and a bunny with Rod Stewart hair

A Llama

A Fugly bird

A very dodgy looking donation hole (for money....just to clarify)


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