
Showing posts from December, 2021

year in review - 2021

This year in review is a bit different to the others, mainly because it's all about BOYS.  After a two year break (not really enforced, more circumstantial), this year was full of boys and dates and sex. I thought it might be a bit crass to write about boys, but fuck it - it's my blog, I can write what I want. Besides only mum reads it anyway (hi mum, sorry for what you're about to read). I may do a more serious year in review at a later date, as it has been a big year - moved cities, got a new job, bought a house, made new friends, went snowboarding lots, got a cat.  But the things that have brought me most joy, and sadness, and actually pretty much every emotion under the sun, have been boys.  I don't know why I'm built this way - why I crave the attention from them and why I am so obsessed with them. Perhaps it's 'daddy issues'.  Perhaps it's societal moulding. I don't know. All I know is I want a boyfriend, and I have tried my darned hardest