Fresh Meat

Friday was Valentines Day.  I had a romantic night in with  my housemate Barbra - we ordered from Deliverance which was yummy. I had Nasi Goreng as I was missing Singapore, and B had a semi healthy salad - which we finished off with sticky toffee pud and choco brownie.  The mains were delicious but the puds were a bit hit and miss.  It's quite expensive but I guess you're paying for the fact they have such a wide choice of food - I managed to find a 25% off code too so it was worth the while.

Saturday I woke up in a terrible mood (must have got out on the wrong side of the bed).  I went to Cesca's where she had made some delicious scones and we had lots of pots of early grey (very sophisticated) whilst watching Sochi and having a gossip .  I then went and met the girls in Brixton market for some dinner before Rudimental.   We ended up in Seven - good reasonably prices tapas and £5 cocktails, including a slightly more expensive £7 cocktail that comes in a smoking skull jar.  Someone who was sharing our table ordered this and I felt a bit weird asking to take a photo of it so I took one of my less exciting one instead, below.

Rudimental was good - their energy and presence on stage was amazing and they had a full complement of vocalists, including John Newman and MNEK.  Unfortunately gigs always remind me of how much I hate people.  If I were prime minister I would create a law that meant tall people have to stand at the back at gigs. We got stuck behind some really douchey tall people who were smoking, barging and generally being really bloody annoying by talking the entire way through the gig.  I ended up "accidentally" screaming as loud at the back of their heads, elbowing them and spilling my drink over them.  Small victories.  I only have one photo of the gig because I'm not one of those douchey people who spend the entire time viewing the gig through their video phones to create crap quality movies they'll never actually watch.

Stupid finger

Today was mostly filled up with interviewing for new housemates.  It's fun meeting new people - we interviewed about 10 and found 2 we wouldn't mind living with, so fingers crossed one of them will accept.   B made a bit of a faux pas when one of them asked what we enjoyed doing - she answered "Rich has a fiancee, so he's mostly busy doing that".  I cracked up and Rich got all embarrassed. (probably one of those things where you had to be there, reading it back).

Today is the day I also tried my mooncup.  I couldn't decide if I should blog about this or not but then I thought, what the hell, I discuss it in real life! Also I wanted a legitimate reason to share this video as it's the funniest thing I nearly ever saw:

I love the idea of it - much better for you and the environment etc, but it sounds really messy and gross.  I was petrified when I first got it - it's much bigger than I imagined.   After a few attempts it was fairly easy to put in, though I do feel a bit like it's going to pop out. I am sitting opposite B as I write this and she has told me to close my legs as she's frightened it's going to pop out and hit her in the face. I am SO going to miss her when she goes to Tanzania!! (I am wearing underwear and jeans also by the way - don't want you thinking I am sitting here in the buff with my housemates).  I guess the test will be tomorrow when I wear it to work.  I will update next week!


  1. New low... blogging about your mooncup... luckily the video doesn't load at work!

    1. ummmmm 1) you shouldn't be reading at work and 2) wait till next week's installment!!! (or maybe avoid next week's installment..!) and 3) i hate anon comments, leave your name!!!

    2. I agree with Anonymous, you asked me whether you should, I said you shouldn't! You really should know by now that I'm ALWAYS right!

  2. Lol! Oh Nains, you do make me laugh! x_x


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