Drunk priests, Beavers and Pub Quizzes

On Friday night I roped Liz and Dan into coming to The Greyhound in Peckham with me - I recently discovered that they do karaoke on Saturday nights (the excitement!) and live music on Fridays.  This particular Friday was a band called Dakota Jim - who were sort of gypsy jazz (apparently that's a music genre).  

The pub is a proper old school Peckham boozer - I think it's recently undergone a refurb as the decor didn't match the clientele (think old men with flat caps and pockets filled with betting slips on slot machines) however I liked that about it.  A lot of the refurbed pubs near me have meant the old men have been kicked out and the yuppies (I guess I am a yuppy, sad face) have moved in (examples being The Crystal Palace Tavern/Great Exhibition and whatever The Actress used to be called).  Father Richard seemed to be a regular (the DJ was on first name terms with him) - a pseudo priest wearing a dog collar but who also had his knuckles tattooed with LOVE and HATE and was getting trashed and dirty dancing with the women.  Brilliant.

The band were really good - I almost felt like I could have been back in Nashville.  There was an accordion, a double bass and a clarinet and the music ranged from haunting old love songs to up beat jiggly knee stuff.  Plus a round came to £11 which pleased me greatly.  I recommend - you can find here.

Not one to waste a bank holiday weekend, I took Bex on a day trip the following day to Beaver Water World (I have written previously about this brilliant place here).  Bex loves animals and was so excited I thought she may actually wet herself.  The price has gone up to £5, but it's still great value and makes a nice jaunt to the countryside - it's about an hour out of London (depending on where you live).  

help me!!!!

such a poser

a beautiful pheasant


We amused ourselves by buying miniature dinosaurs in the giftshop (instead of the albino hedgehogs for sale - who knew!) before heading back to London where I baked a cake for Sunday, and then ending the evening in the pub.  We were proper sharking for guys and the scenery did not disappoint.  We ended up being cockblocked by 4 guys who spent the rest of the evening talking with us - they were amusing, but it was very disappointing to find out at the end of the evening that they were ALL married/engaged/taken even though they'd spent the evening outrageously flirting with us and one of them gave Bex his number. Dicks! The problem with this sort of behaviour is it makes us mistrust guys and makes it very easy to tar all men with the same brush.  If any boys are reading this - don't do it!!

On Sunday I had invited Leanne and Jen down to visit (it was DEFINITELY their turn to come to London) and we ate my delicious cake I'd made the day before (carrot...Betty Crocker...yum) and a veg lasagne and walked it all off round Nunhead Cemetery.  It's a Victorian gothic cemetery with beautifully ornate headstones, and a lovely view of St Pauls.   

Leanne "if I were ever to start a photo blog, it would be of me copying statue poses"

In the evening I went to a pub quiz in Clapham where we lost, and on Monday me and Sepha did a 10 mile walk from Vauxhall to Primrose Hill, to Camden and back again, and we found some caches on the way too. 

Amy Winehouse by Regents Canal

I came home with sore feet but feeling very accomplished that my weekend wasn't wasted before collapsing on the sofa with cake and a book (MaddAddam by Margaret Atwood if you're interested - very good but annoyingly, the end of a trilogy! Which I realised too late...)


  1. Your cake was amazing! (I ate my piece in a service station on the M25 and it was really yummy!) I'm going to start that photoblog you know...


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