A very emo motivational message: the year of do.

I'm feeling more confident than ever.

I am writing this on the bus as it suddenly hit me and made me happy. (It also might have something to do with the fact I am quite possibly high on a big dose of max strength cold and flu medicine - the stuff is magical!)  I am often plagued with self doubt and insecurities so wanted to record how I feel right now. (No doubt tomorrow I'll not feel like this and read this back and laugh)

For once I feel happy I have friends over the world, instead of feeling lonely and left behind, I feel happy that my friends are happy on their adventures and they miss me enough to want me to come and visit. 

I've been trying to book a group weekend break to Florence since the beginning of the year.  Rather than be annoyed with people that they don't want to come on adventures with me, I'm understanding that my friends have different priorities and it's not personal, it's because they can't afford it, or are busy, or just plain don't want to - it's not because they don't want to go away with me as a person. (Hahaha, I hope)

The way I feel right now, I feel I could take on the world.  I feel like if I wanted to book a holiday to Croatia and no one could/would come with me, I could go alone and hostel it.  I can do anything. 

And so can you!  If there's something you have wanted to do for a while but haven't done it because you can't find anyone to go with, fuck it! Book it anyway!  It's forcing yourself out of your comfort zone and being all the better for it.  It's having new experiences and realising you can deal with them.  It's not relying on other people and having the epiphany that you can only rely on yourself, and that's OK, because the only constant in your life will be you, so you may as well get used to it. 

Life is transient.  Friends are there for a reason, a season or a life time.  It would be nice if the majority were for a lifetime but let's be honest, it would also be boring.   New people enrich you and teach you lessons, both good and bad. 

Carry on being you and liking you and give yourself a pat on the back.  You can do anything.  This is the year of DO!!


  1. This is brilliant :) I am so happy you are happy!!! Love you so much xxxxxxxxxxx

    1. Love you too!!!! Miss you billions!!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Christ alive! I feel well inspired by your positivity! Congrats on your happiness! And now, I'm going to apply to an Irish festival - because you've inspired me and because this is the year of DO! -x-

    1. YES! Go Leanney!!! I might start preaching on busses. (Book Paris too) xxx

  3. This is similar to how I feel when I've had way too much caffeine :-p

    Sooo... if this is the year of DO and you are happy you have friends who want you to come visit them on the other side of the world.... ...... ........ BOOK YOUR FIGHTS BEFORE THE FLU MEDS WEAR OFF!!!

    1. I only have 10 days holiday left.......I am still toying with the idea of coming over for Christmas/New Year!!!! You just have to convince Cesca to stay until January :) (oooh just looking - I could stay out for around 3 weeks by using my holiday over this period....) ooh and then me and Cesca and David could all fly home together like one big happy family. Plans!!!

  4. I second Amy's comment. Get yourself one of those $75 trips and get over here :) xxxxxxxx

    1. the promotion has ended and they were for flights out next month :( sad times!!!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  5. What a lovely post. Happy Sunday! xxx


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