Sorry Kim K, a dress broke the internet, not you

I love this. I bloody love it.  Marc sent it to me this morning and I was like 'errrr what, I don't get it' because it's SO OBVIOUSLY A BLUE AND BLACK bodycon dress. But Liz said she saw white and gold, so I showed it so some colleagues, and they saw white and gold too, and then I thought it was one big trick and everyone goes for the option it OBVIOUSLY isn't because that's the cool thing to do.

But no, they really do believe it's white and gold! How crazy is that!!!

I also love that the top 10 things trending on Buzzfeed are all bloody pages on this bloody dress.  AND that 70% of buzzfeed pollers thing it's white and gold WHEN IT IS CLEARLY BLACK AND BLUE AND THE LADY WHO BOUGHT THE DRESS CONFIRMED THIS.

Fascinating how the eyes work. What else have my eyes been lying to me about?! Is the grass green? Is the sky blue? What is BLUE?! (not white, that's for sure).

What colour do you think it is?


  1. I genuinely can't see the white/gold at all. It always looks blue/black to me. Very weird. Ben's PhD is in Vision Science, so I'm going to ask him about it when he's gets in. I'll let you know the verdict later :-)

  2. When I first saw this yesterday I was so angry. I was so annoyed that people would actually make up seeing white and gold!!! But now I am so confused... Obviously the cool people see black and blue ay xxxxxxxxxxxx

    1. Haha me too!!! I thought it was a stupid trick like when when you're 7 and people ask you 'are you a virgin' and you say 'no' because you don't know what virgin means and it doesn't sound good and then everyone laughs at you.

  3. white and gold - what is wrong with my eyes haha???

  4. I can only really see white and gold... I can vaguely see it as blue and black but only as a very very light blue and brownish black... I'm so frustrated that I can't see it properly!! What's wrong with me!!

    1. So weird isn't it!!! i can see how people would potentially see a bit of gold because the black isn't pure black and is more of a brown, but i just cannot see any white at all. Each time my little brother looks at it, it changes colour for him! crazy!


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