Christmas Tidings

Work has been a bit crazy recently.  I think we've eaten too many mince pies (we have had a pack a day since the middle of November, I'm getting good at blind tasting mince pies from different shops) and last week got a bit hyper on all the sugar.  We had a competition to see who could make the quickest/best christmas decoration for our otherwise totally bland office.  The only rule was we had to use stuff we already in the office.

Here were the entries:

My boss's attempt except he got bored half way through so I ended up doing it

Sue's attempt....toner boxes with 'snow' paper and scarf tinsel

Karena's attempt - not bad considering it's made from toilet roll

Tracey's attempt - angel complete with halo, in my opinion the best!

My attempt, a stand alone fake tree

It's probably safest to say we all won as it was the effort that counted!

Talking of Christmas decs - here's the one's we've done in our house...

we've gone for the minimalist look

On Friday it was National Christmas Jumper day.  My work were taking part and so we all wore christmas jumpers to work for the day as well as donating to Save The Children - we managed to raise just over £250.  

poor photo stitching!

my floor (i am not really that short, in my warped mind i was tall enough to block someone so i crouched a bit..)

me and Gem

After work we had team christmas drinks - we started in a local pub and ending up grabbing some food at The Breakfast Club in Borough (well the underground bar - the password is "I came here to get lucky").  To access the secret bar, you need to say the aforementioned password and you're shepherded down the fire exit, through the kitchen and into a dark cavern lit with wall to wall paper lanterns.  There's not a lot of space down there but we managed to get a booth to ourselves- the table is also a fridge, which meant the booth was pretty chilly.  We ordered 2 burgers, 2 chips, 2 wings and a mac and cheese (which was DIVINE) between us and were pretty stuffed after.

The bonus of starting drinking in the early afternoon meant that it wasn't a late one and I was home in bed for 10.30 pretty drunk, but I got enough sleep to wake up early for my train to Bournemouth the next day.

Bex randomly gets free train passes to certain destinations on the South West route, so we decided to head to Bournemouth for some fresh sea air.

It was really lovely and I want to go back next year for the weekend - I got all excited by the bike hire place and would love to spend a weekend cycling along the coast (if anyone wants to do this with me let me know!)

We wandered up and down the sea front, checked out the pier, had lunch in a very Shoreditch cafe, and did a spot of shopping before heading back home.

one of several art installations in the gardens

you can zip wire from this to the edge of the beach, looks fun!

i love winter light - so flattering for photography

we found a christmas market in the centre, this moose talked...

lunch - looks better than it tasted, a slow roasted beef sandwich with salad

On the way home I made Becky go down to the seafront with me one last time to see the sunset.  I am so glad we did - it was a cracker, so beautiful! Apart from the fact it was about 2 degrees and we were freezing our butts off, we could have been in the Canaries with a view like below. 

By the time I got home I was cream crackered so collapsed in front of the TV with Dan and watched The Wolf of Wall Street - really good but very long.  Leo DiCaprio is fit.

On Sunday I drove Bex up to Hatfield for Jen's house warming.  She'd put on a great spread of a roast beef buffet and we ate and talked until we could eat and talk no more and headed on home.

It was a really lovely weekend spent with some of my favourite people, the best kind of weekend :-)


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